Oct 19 2021

What to look for when looking for a home?

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The decision to buy an apartment or a house must be made with patience and wisdom. No matter how excited you are to move into your home, there are a few things to keep in mind. These include creating a list of selection criteria. The first important step in compiling such a list is to establish clear criteria, designed to ensure an upgrade of comfort and functionality compared to the current home.
The easiest way is to answer a set of questions to guide you to what you are really looking for.
Do you like your current home? If so, then how much? Give it a grade of 1-10.
What do you like most and most about your current home, but also what do you consider to be its biggest flaw?
What is the style of your home, do you appreciate the architecture of the building or the interior design?
Do you have a favorite room? If so, what makes you feel good about it?
Do you have enough space? Where do you feel you need improvement?
Do you have enough rooms?Do you intend to move into an apartment or a house?
Need a separate room to assign a destination to?
Do you like to spend time outside? Do you think that an apartment / house with a yard would increase the quality of life?
Do you like to take care of a yard, garden? Who will take care of it? Would you have time to take care of her?
What are the characteristics of the area / neighborhood: sidewalks, specially arranged playgrounds, parks, public transportation, medical services, shopping areas, schools, kindergartens, etc.
What is the maximum acceptable distance from your current job?

It’s best not to make hasty decisions. Even if the properties are selling at a fast pace, you should be aware that this choice can affect you and your family in the long run.
This list should be sorted by priority. Now that you have established what you want, the big challenge appears: finding the home that fits most of these criteria created by you and of course the one that will meet the available budget. Of course, you should be aware that sometimes it is almost impossible to find a property that fulfills all your desires.

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